Overcoming the fear of sharing your ideas online
Hello there,
I hope you are well.
There comes a moment with my one on one clients where we have everything ready to go and it is time for them to start sharing their thought leadership on social media. It is at that same moment that the proverbial sh$t hits the fan.
In theory, they have embraced the idea of putting themselves out there, they rationally understand all the benefits of doing so and they have all their platforms set up and ready to go. In reality, they are terrified and will do anything they can to procrastinate.
The great thing is I have been there and understand what they are going through.
Here are three ideas that I share with them-
1. Everyone is ultimately thinking about themselves
Though this might sound negative, it really is positive. We worry about what 'everyone' will think about us, yet the reality is they are thinking about themselves. If and when they engage with your content, it is because they have found something in it for them and that is what we want.
2. Everyone has to start at the beginning
When it comes to building an audience, the beginning is always the hardest. Rather than be tempted to buy followers and try to appear more established than you are, enjoy it for what it is. Yes, in the beginning, you might not get as much traction, but you do have lots of opportunities to experiment and try new things.
3. Always remember the power of one
I read somewhere that the appeal of social media is the gamification of it and our ability to measure our success using vanity metrics. The problem with that is the general rule is more is better. I challenge you to remember that sometimes all it takes is one person to read, like, and support your journey to completely change your life and direction.
I know the fear is real and there is nothing worse than thinking you will be humuliated publicly. I also know the weight of regret is much harder to live with. If you know it is your time to put yourself out there please do not let the fear hold you back.
You have something the world needs and if you don't put yourself out there, we all miss out.
Warmest wishes