How to manifest more personal branding opportunities

Hello there, 

I hope you are well.

For as long as I can remember, I have believed in the power of vision boards, intention setting, affirmations, and visualisation.

I can tell you story after story of the magical ways I have manifested what I wished for.

I saw it as part of my spirituality practice but that all changed after I read 'Into the Magic Shop' and 'Mind Magic' by Dr James Doty.

It seems, there is a science to it all; and given Dr Doty is a clinical professor of neurosurgery at Stanford University, I would say that claim comes from a credible source. 

First things first, run don't walk to your nearest bookshop to buy both of these books. I promise they will change your mind on everything to do with manifesting and teach you how to rewire your brain to make your dreams come true. 

For those who want to know how they can 'manifest' more and better opportunities to put themselves out there without reading the book, here is the most important tip-

Create a clear picture of what personal branding success looks like and get SPECIFIC.

Where are you being seen?

Who is in your network?

What role are you playing?

How are you showing up?

By spelling it out and creating a picture in your mind, your brain will begin to 'value tag' information and be WIRED to SEE the opportunities to make it all happen.

Note- your brain can receive 6 to 10 million bits of information every second yet it is only able to process 50 to 100 bits in that same time. It will only let you see what it knows is important to you!

When I ask people what personal branding success looks like they often give me a vague generic answer. They are too scared to say they want to be seen on stages, they want to publish a bestselling book, they want to become a leader in their field.

Innocent as it may seem to just 'see what happens', problem is your brain will literally miss the signs because it doesn't know on a subconscious level where you want to go. 

Be brave, call it, and in doing so program your brain to help you manifest your dreams.

Happy reading! 

I hope this helps

Warmest wishes


p.s. I am hosting my one day personal branding workshop, The Brand in You, in Sydney this August (Monday 12th) and if you are interested in learning more, please do so here


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