Word to live by in 2025

Hello there, 

I hope you are well.

I am not sure if it is just me, but I feel like 2025 has only just begun!

With my boys heading back to school this week, I now have the time and space to focus on me. I have to be honest, I already feel overwhelmed. But then I think of my word.

My word for 2025 is 'cosmic'. 

Inspired by a long walk on the beach with my dear friend, Amanda Lupis, who happens to be a supremely talented life coach; Amanda suggested I give a name to that part of myself that feels like magic.

We all have it.

We are reminded of this part of ourselves in moments of serendipity. When we think of a person and all of a sudden their name pops up on our phone. Or we make a decision to head in a new direction and then as if by coincidence we bump into the perfect person to help make it happen. 

From experience, these moments increase in direct proportion to our courage to follow our instincts and listen to our intuition. It is about tapping into the self that knows when to let go and trust the timing of life. 

Cosmic Carlii is now her name and by coming back to that word, I immediately feel at ease and empowered.

I encourage you to find your word and also give that part of yourself a name. Let that be the word you live by this year. Yes write down your goals, work hard toward their accomplishment, but never forget your innate ability to make space for grace and create a little magic.

I hope this helps

Warmest wishes


p.s. After a long break, I have decided to host The Brand in You - Personal Branding Workshop online Friday 4th April, 2025. If you would like to find out more, please do so here- https://www.carliilyon.com.au/events


The most important thing to change in 2025