The most important thing to change in 2025

Hello there, 

I hope you are well.

A little while ago I ran a group session that did not go well. 

At all.

If there was a moment where I felt like a square peg trying to squeeze myself into a round hole, it was it.

I couldn't wait for it to be over and I suspect the feeling was mutual. 

Carlii of three years ago would have walked away convinced she was not good at what she does. She would have blamed herself and her content.

Instead, my present self knew what the real mistake was. I said yes to the opportunity to speak to the wrong crowd.

This is a lesson I encourage you to take into 2025. 

Yes, personal change and growth are always essential, but on the path to change, be sure to ask yourself- is it me or is it them?

Are you trying to fit into places you don't belong? Are you seeking approval from people you don't actually resonate with?

By getting clear on the source, you are better able to work on the solution.

I hope this helps.

Warmest wishes



Word to live by in 2025


How to be gracefully disliked